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You backpacked around India, hiked Kilimanjaro and enjoyed civilized dinners at hip restaurants — all pre-kids. Oh, the memories! Fortunately, your adventures don’t have to end when you have kids. The logistics might be complicated and more planning is involved, but the trips are always worth it.

Traveling (near or far) with kids expands their comfort zones and builds confidence. Exposing them to new experiences, people and cultures helps kids of all ages learn to notice and appreciate cultural differences, promotes empathy, curiosity and understanding, and can inspire them to help make the world a better place. Taking a break from daily routines and busy schedules also gives us time to reconnect and create lasting memories with the people who matter most. But it’s never easy. Whether it’s your first trip with one child, or your third adventure with three, traveling with kids will challenge even the most experienced and organized parents!

We get it — we’re parents too.

Meet Nicole, a San Francisco based mom who loves to travel and explore the world with her kids. Inspired by her passion for making life easier and more fun, Nicole decided to develop the Go Happy Travel Tray after years of picking up toys and food off yucky airplane floors. Her vision of having a simple little tray that makes traveling with kids less stressful and more fun has come to life. 

What started as a travel tray idea has blossomed into Go Happy Kids. We are passionate about fostering play, creativity, curiosity, empathy and connection, especially while traveling. We love designing travel accessories made with kid-safe, quality materials that reduce family travel stress and encourage kids and parents to connect and confidently explore the world together. Simple stuff that makes everyone feel good.

Thanks for supporting Go Happy Kids!

Think simple & go happy :)